In the maxillary diseases, 3D-CT is very benifical in finding the destruction of palate plate and inferior wall of orbit with rotation and subtraction. 对上颌骨病变三维CT通过减影和旋转对腭板和眶下壁的骨质改变显示得最为理想。
Methods From January 2003 to March 2004,100 infants with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate received presurgical orthopedics by using nasoalveolar molding plate. 方法2003年1月~2004年3月,对100例出生后10d~3个月内单侧完全性唇腭裂婴儿进行上颌-鼻软骨整形矫治器矫治。
The main area which effects the acoustic characteristics is the anterior part of the anterior palate plate of the removable partial denture. 可摘局部义齿前腭板的前部是影响发音的主要部位。
Objective: To go on the finite element analysis on each position in base plate of palate of maxillary complete denture and to explore the specific of biomechanics and structural mechanics on the fractured base plate. 目的:对上颌总义齿腭部基托各部位进行有限元应力分析,探索基托断裂的生物机械力学和结构力学的特性。
To compensate for these shortcomings, this paper put forward using steel composite wall 、 Composite Columns of steel palate and component constructional column of steel plate etc to strengthen masonry buildings. 为弥补上述缺陷,本文提出用钢板组合墙体、型钢组合柱、型钢构造柱等对砌体进行加固的方法。